
Participants in the study will be asked to meet with us at UCSF if possible.  The following steps will then occur:

  • You will be asked to answer some questions about your medical history and your family’s medical history.
  • Approximately 4 tablespoons of blood (2.0 fl. Oz./60 cc.) will be drawn from a vein in your arm.

The blood samples will be used in three ways:

  • DNA from the blood will be examined for certain hereditary traits or changes (mutations) that could contribute to autoimmune disease.
  • Serum from the blood sample will also  be tested for autoantibodies which are markers of autoimmune disease of different organs. 
  • White blood cells, known as T cells, will also be isolated from your blood and tested for their activity.

The visit and sample collection will take no more than one hour and you may be eligible for up to $50 compensation for your time.  For those who cannot see us at UCSF, alternative arrangements may be possible with the assistance of your local care provider.  Although there are no direct benefits of enrollment in the study, your participation will improve our understanding of autoimmune disease and build towards future studies for improved diagnosis and intervention in this complex disease process.